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03 comic strip: story telling #oneperday19

comic strip: story telling
image scope: 5-panel comic strip based on a fact that happened during your school years.
the submission requires a 5 panel comic strip, however i have done my comic strip in a set of staggered panels that work in five groups to better illustrate the process of story telling in a more entertaining and successful comedic way. each "panel" (considered as one image in the grid) tells a stage of the story.
the first panel introduces the setting of the story. 
the second panel shows the action of the ball being trapped on the top of the netted sheltering. the use of the two images show a sense of movement and the aftermath through a more effective two image process.
the third panel illustrates the reactions, in addition to the close up image of the one character to place focus on him for the subsequent panels. 
the fourth panel moves on two show the action of the character and then followed by the reactions of the bystanders on the bench. this two image panel focuses on the action and reaction of the characters rather than the whole setting.
the fifth panel illustrates the realisation of the the character through a more choppy manner for a more comedic effect. 
03 comic strip: story telling #oneperday19

03 comic strip: story telling #oneperday19


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