Abbey Burkitt's profile

Week 2 Progression of Time #oneperday19

#DVB102ImageDesignandProduction #Week2 #oneperday
Image 1 - Awake. Technique used was 2b, 4b Graphite Pencil. #oneperday19
Image 2 - Feeling rested. Technique used was 2b, 4b Graphite Pencil. #oneperday19
Image 3 - I Slept. Technique used was 2b, 4b Graphite Pencil. #oneperday19
Image 4 - I didn't get much sleep. Technique used was 2b, 4b Graphite Pencil. #oneperday19
Image 5 - No Sleep. Technique used was 2b, 4b Graphite Pencil. #oneperday19
Week 2 - The Progression of Time
Documenting time
ageing / growing
decomposing / sprouting

For the first week in the series of images, I choose to do a series on tired eyes. Each sketch shows a set of eyes get progressively getting more tired. Which could be seen as a moment or over a period of a day. I drew comparisons from my life, to a degree I feel like my eyes look like that. 

I choose to use Graphite pencils in 2b 4b, gradually building up the shading in each images to really play with the light and shadow. If I could go back I would and change anything I would spend more time on shading and maybe would have used more techniques that we used in class. 
Week 2 Progression of Time #oneperday19


Week 2 Progression of Time #oneperday19
