The logo I designed for the youth group (Bina Iman Remaja / BIR) in my church, St. Laurentius (Saint Laurent), Diocese of Bandung, Indonesia. The design was taken from the moto of the group: 
REACH the youth for
REJOICE with friends and 
HELP them to know our God and
CHALLENGE them to find their own service to God and
WORSHIP God in their life

REACH is symbolized by handshake on the top image because when we shake hands, we weave a new relation in our life
REJOICE is symbolized by happy laugh on middle left image because there's always joy in BIR's session
Middle right image, bible symbolized the group that HELP the members to know God, when God's words is always being spread.
Bottom left image, fire symbolized Holy Spirit that gives different gift to each people to serve the Lord, where in this community, we're CHALLENGED to find our own gift. 

The Lyre on the bottom right image symbolized praises and worship God as in this community, we're invited to sing praises to the Lord.

If we look into the negative space of the symbols above, we can see an arrow, "As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are the children of the youth" (Psalms 127: 4)


Logo design for a church youth Community (Bina Iman Remaja / BIR) in my church, St. Laurentius (st. Laurent), diocese of Bandung, Indonesia.


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