Ella & Witt Vegan Fashion – Branding

Ella & Witt Vegan Fashion  Branding

DIRECTOR: Erçin Filizli
PROJECT: Ella & Witt – Vegan Shoe Fashion

Concept, Creative Direction, Art Direction, Graphic Design,
Branding, Packaging Design, Web Design & Social Media Assets

© 2017 – 2020 VUCX
S t o r y  &  h e r i t a g e

Gander "Ella" lives a happy life with many other animals at "Weidetiere-Zons", near Cologne.
The cow Schneewittchen a.k.a. "Witt" lives there as well with her son Emil.
They were the brands motivation to start the journey as a vegan shoe brand.

Sustainable, fair & vegan – Make a change.
B E h I N D  T H E  S C E N E S
L a n d i n g p a g e
Ella & Witt Vegan Fashion – Branding