BBC Learning
Stop Frame Animation & Production
It's perfectly natural to have some struggles when you first start secondary school. These films helped 11 yr olds through that time.
A truly lovely brief, and a topic close to our hearts. As part of this BBC Bitesize campaign to help children make the step up to secondary, we were asked to help illustrate the experiences of children who had been through this, taken some bumps on the way, but come out the other side. Using everyday objects that you’d find in the classroom we were able to tell these stories in a way we thought was fun and engaging, whilst allowing the children that were interviewed to remain anonymous.

The stop frame animation was something we loved going back to…back to the basics of how we make things move. A blog post is on it’s way from Dan to explain a bit more about how this came about.

We produced 4 films. The first you can see above, the other three below.

BBC Learning

BBC Learning

Stop-frame animation for BBC Learning. This campaign helped school children during the transition to secondary school
