ASHIN MUNNU K's profile

Music Representational Animation

About The Music... 
This piece of music is composed by Tchaikovsky -swan lake op.20. act 1 No.9 and played by Timothy Rundle on Oboe,the musical instrument.
  The music gives a feel of journey.It starts with lots of intensity.It grows up and down with thick feelings of sadness and loneliness and then ends slowly. It evokes the emotions like nostalgia,sadness,disappointment,loss,loneliness and helplessness.It keeps me lost in memories and nostalgia. The intense beginning of the music pierce into the memories and takes me through the journey of sadness and loneliness before it leaves you down.It also gives a feel of flowing unevenly with painful memories. Ideas I could connect with: *It creates the mood of the time when the sun sets,just before the darkness spreads.It provokes the feel of loss and loneliness. *Flowing alone on a small boat in the flow of the waves with out any control. *Kids try to paper boat and it sinks. *A man tries to hold his flying umbrella in the rain and wind.And the cloth of the umbrella flies off at the end. *someone remembers his past.He jumps into the water (memory) swims and comes back.The water drops rains on him!
       Someone who regrets now on something about which he thought bad in the past.And now its even worse ,he realizes the past was actually good and it pains him.Its actually a conversation between someone and his soul/journey to the good old days.Here the action slowly ends.
     Key words:intensity,solitude,journey,sadness,loneliness,nostalgia,helplessness,regret,memory,disappointment,loss,sunset,flow, realization,conversation. Colours I could connect to:A mix of Turquoise ,dark Blue ,Crimson and Burnt Sienna.
  Though i have also used charcoal and pencils in the moodboard,For the animation I have tried watercolour and ink to get the fluidity of the music.And i finalized it with watercolours.It was fun to see how the flow of colours differs according to the inclination of the drawing board.And also i have used both fresh water and salt water to do watercolour with which colour spreads differently.
In the beginning the images that came to my mind were more of the earthly objects.It was different to animate directly with water colours after that.I have tried the method of wet on wet,which will never restrict the flow of the colours. It was fun to do both positive and negative painting.In the beginning and in the end i tried to animate the negative space of the paintings.To explore more of the advantages of watercolour like transparency i have tried to paint in multiple layers to animate which gives the essence of a conversation have tried the dissolve effect also in some of the frames. 
Music Representational Animation