Глеб Гончаренко's profileКсения Забардыгина's profile


Competition: DYING Alternative designs for cemetries by Non Architecture Competitions| Germany

1st place winner

Category: Cemetery

Location: Somewhere on planet Earth

Project Year: 2019

Authors: Gleb Goncharenko, Ksenia Zabardygina

A new place for your soul

#digitization #space #reunion #immortality #technology

Someone from your family died? Or maybe you are dead? No problem! Now you have where to spend your endless vacation.
The Corporation NEVERWHERE offers you eternal life on our small “island”. Do not worry about your body, your brain will be digitized and the personality will be uploaded to the server, and the body will be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
Also now your living relatives and friends can see you. Thanks to our new development, living people can connect to servers NEVERWHERE and spend time with the “dead” (now they are called incorporeal) their free time.
To find out the details and cost of services, please contact us at the office or by email.
And remember NEVERWHERE the best place for your soul.