Inktober (2019)
PT: A Outubro de 2019, decidi participar no desafio mundialmente conhecido como "Inktober". Este desafio convida todos os ilustradores a realizarem, no mínimo, uma ilustração feita a tinta por dia. O criador, Jake Parker, todos os anos cria uma "lista oficial" com o tema de cada dia. Este ano decidi seguir a lista oficial e combinei o tema de cada dia com uma criatura fantástica do jogo Dungeons and Dragons, um pouco ao estilo dos meus DM Doodles, mas com descrições que exploram mais profundamente os seres em questão. Todos os desenhos foram realizados com tinta da china (alguns também com caneta de feltro).
EN: In October 2019, I decided to participate in the challenged known across the world as "Inktober". This challenge invites every illustrator to do, at least, one ink drawing per day. Its creator, Jake Parker, releases every year an "oficial list" with the themes of each day. This year I decided to follow the oficial list and combined each of its daily themes with a fantasy creature from the game Dungeons and Dragons, like in the vein of my DM Doodles, but with descriptions that explore these beings more in depth. Every drawing was made with indian ink (some with also with markers).​​​​​​​
01 - Liches are spellcasters corrupted by their lust for immortality. Extremely vile and powerful beings, with twisted minds and an almost indestructible soul. The key to their longevity is in their phylactery, an object where their darkened souls are contained, and that can be as small and unassuming as a simple RING...
02 - Under the employ of the evil Mind Flayers, the small creatures known as Intellect Devourers enter the unsuspecting victim's head via the nose, and consume the brain from the inside, taking control of the body. When the MINDLESS victim is of no further use, the now full creature leaves the body by exploding the head...
03 - In the deep, dark and frigid forests of the southern region of Vidanya, the winters can get so cold, that even the large pine trees FREEZE and die. Dryads are fey that bond with such trees, but when the tree dies unexpectadly, it can leave the fey mad, as they slowly die themselves... this turns them into Blights, shallows and vicious husks. Though some turn like this because of more... insidious reasons...
04 - Cave Fishers are interesting creatures. Combining traits of both spiders and glowworms, the Fishers weave sticky fluorescent webs from their saliva to create elaborate traps to BAIT their prey in the pitch black caves they inhabit. The diference is that instead of trapping flies, Cave Fishers can trap whole horses.
05 - On the outer rim of the vast and unexplored Nyam Haram desert, a spieces of giant ants, the Thri-Kreen, BUILD enormous anthills that reach vertiginous heights. These towering constructions are remarkably durable and serve as the perfect place for birds to perch, even withstanding the mighty giant Roc. But the real colony is in the tunnels below, which can reach three times the size of the anthills.
06 - The icy tundra of the northern hemisphere is a harsh place for any animal. But the Crag Cat lives there all year round. In the winter, its grey fur turns denser and pure white. It's this HUSKY winter coat that protects it from the cold and from attacks by elks, bears and others big cats. Legend has it that Crag Cat fur can even deflect magic.
07 - There are many stories of sailors being ENCHANTED by the song of the merfolk and drowning in Eternal Sea. But what the sailors don't tell is how some merfolk also fall for earth dwellers and how love can blind one to do things onde should not...
08 - Though they usually look like a FRAIL old humanoid woman, Hags are, in fact, very powerful fey creatures. And devilish ones at that. Many despise all that is young and beautiful, though they know of ways to preserve both. Most dangerous of all is that they form covens and organize gatherings, to boost their magical strength. If you find yourself in the presence of a Hag, go away. These beings are not to be toyed with.
09 - When travelling in the dense forests to the north of the Laorus region, it's common to find vast areas full of thick vines dangling from the swirling tree trunks above. That's where the Arboreal Grapplers hunt... These primates use their muscular elongated arms not just to SWING from branch to branch, but also to grab unsuspecting prey and lift them to the canopy. If you escape one, remember: they hunt in groups.
11+12 - One cannot easily find a DRAGON. At least not in this age. Millennia ago, dragons roamed freely in every region of Gallatheim. Nowadays only a very few can truly claim to have seen a real one. But while some spend a lifetime searching, it can come as a surprise to others... for they exist, and can be found sleeping in mountains, vulcanoes, bogs, and even on the extreme north... under all that SNOW.
13 - Much like dragons, Giants are now all but a shadow of what they once were. Nowadays, some may have heard or seen Ogres, Trolls, or Hill Giants, but those are just distant kin to the mighty Giants of legend, the ones who've built empires. Scholars believe that Morodin, creator god of the Dwarves, was a Fire Giant, one of a race of powerful beings who'd created enormous cities atop active vulcanoes, hidden away by the ASH and smoke. Dwarvish priests say that one day, the giant Morodin and the dragon Jormugandr will rise and battle again, and the fight shall engulf the world in flames.
14 - Few creatures can be as deceiving as a Shambling Mound. These plants are a sign of malign magic at work and they're origins are conected to potent curses or hexes. Though they may look like an OVERGROWN bush when still, the Mound is a voracious eater, capable of moving in a flash to chase its prey. And when it catches them, it entangles and suffocates them, and then absorbs their fluids. The lilies that decorates the Mound, known as Corpse Flowers, can be seen turning from pale to blood red as the plant feeds.
15 - In the Kobold religion, there's an ancient LEGEND about a powerful god that dwells in the waters of the Great Delta to protect the river and his inhabitants. His name was Subet and, unlike other deities, he had a physical form... or so the Kobolds believe. Accounts of raids to ruined kobold temples, tell of drawings in the walls depicting Kobolds sending offerings to an enormous creature in the river... But time has passed, humans have destroyed the temples and taken the Kobolds as slaves... And no god has saved them yet...
(10)+16 - In the WILD Aqilan Savannah, great herds of exotic herbivores roam freely to graze on the vast golden plains. But with prey comes predator. And one of the most interesting is the Serpopard, a distant relative to leorpards, sharing its spotted PATTERN, but much larger, with thicker fur and, most remarkably, an elongated neck. It's elusive, rare and dangerous, so not much is known about them, like what is that long neck for? A strange beast indeed...
17 - During the summer, in the islands that surround the Bangesh forest in the Laorus region, exotic calls can be heard from miles away. These sounds are the mating calls of the Birds of Paradise. And even more impressive than their bizarre noises, is their appearence, for they are the most beautiful of birds, with feathers of unique shapes and colors, all this an ORNAMENT to help males attract females. Due to the nature of these dense forests and the dangerous tides around the islands, not many travellers have seen the birds upclose, but some say that they dance, others that they don't have legs, and others even tell of ones that speak the Common Tongue.
18 - A Mind Flayer colony is incredibly dangerous to anyone... including the Flayers themselves. It's a tightly knit society, unrelenting and unforgiving to any creature that strays from the tyrant will of the Elder Brains. Weakness, sympathy and curiosity are enough to be considered a MISFIT in the eyes of the colony. And misfits, now labeled as "Alhoon", are stripped down of any belongings and sent away to the wilderness to fend for themselves, until hunger and madness take the best of them.
19 - Goblinoids are seen as savages in Thudrakae. From the brute Bugbears, to the Hobgoblin warlord, and even the domesticated (or enslaved) Greenskins. But there is another savage race that only few know of, and, in fact, it is believed to be the oldest Goblin race, the Boggarts. These Goblins live exclusively in the Serpent Bog, and are expertly adapted to its swamps, though they live in a more primal way. Armed with SLING and dart, they were the dread of humans settlers in the Bog... but that changed with the Great Tremor, and now the Bog has flooded, forcing the Boggarts out of their home...
20 - The desert crossing between Aqila and Laorus, known as The Waste, is a path where one should TREAD lightly. For its mountains are the home of the Orcs. These Mountain Orcs, unlike their cousins in the west, don't make any attempt to peacefuly coexist with the humans. They are savage raiders, that attack in large numbers. Killing, raping and burning indiscriminately, until nothing is left besides ashes, ruins and a feast for vultures...
21 - Celestial Steeds are beings that exist in almost every culture, and embody their highest of qualities: the regal Unicorns to Humans, the gracious Pegasus to Elves, the bold Sleipnir to Dwarves, the wise Kirin to Gnomes, and the bizarre Okapi to the Goblins (amongst others). To be so lucky as to see one of these beings is a true TREASURE.
Unfortunatly for the Unicorns, during the Age of Silence, the demand for the healing properties in their horns was so great that overhunting caused their extinction... people from time to time claim to have seen one, but for all we know, they are all but a myth now...

22 - A being is composed of two parts: the body and the soul. One normally cannot exist without the other, but there is a certain type of creature that defy this, the Undead. A body with no soul is a zombie, a corpse shambling about aimlessly. And a soul with no body is a GHOST. A Ghost is the soul of someone who was killed in such a vile way that the sorrow/anger of the soul cannot rest, and so it cannot leave the people or locations connected to the death. Such a spirit can seem shapeless at first, but the more you understand its predicament, the more real its appearence becomes.
23 - ANCIENT myths tell of a creature so vile and powerful that even the gods feared it. It was only a long lost goddess, beautiful and pure, that was able to hide it away deep in the core of the Underdark. She gave up her immortal life to create a golden thread, that when put around the creatures neck, it would stop its rampage and render it dormant. Many people don't believe in such an old pagan tale, but there some who fear that its return will spell doomsday for all. There is even a few who dare not speak its name... the Tarrasque.
24 - The Umber Hulks are distant cousins of the cockroaches, only the size of a bear. These insects are embush predators, and though their large mandibles can do massive damage, their most impressive weapon is their confusing gaze. At first look, the Umber Hulk appears to have four eyes, two small and two very large, but in fact the larger eyes aren't eyes at all, they're a sort of external organ that can rotate and change color at will. This moving pattern, combined with its intense buzzing, as well as the vibration of its antennae, makes its prey DIZZY and easier to catch.
25 - The Croaking Bog is one of the fiew places in the Vidanya region not covered in snow or cursed with deadly cold storms. But the Bog may be just as dangerous as everywhere else... deep in its damp woods, lie the Slaadi (or Bagiennik as the locals say). These savage amphibians stalk the swamps searching for TASTY morsels to appease their endless hunger. No one knows where they came or how they've spread, they're sinister creatures that hold many magical secrets...
26 - There once was a mighty empire, that rose and fell even before the Giants and Dragons existed... This ancient world belonged to the Aboleths. These ancient aberrations ruled the Primordial Sea before even the gods. And like every empire, it needed servants. So the Aboleths used their immense powers to create the Yakat (meaning Slave) from the other primordial lifeforms. Eventually the gods ended the Aboleth rule and now they are all but extinct. But in the deep DARK sea, their slaves still linger, in wait for their masters. These undersea monsters are called Yakat-Chuul.
27 - To magically create life is a power many think should only belong to the gods. But this still hasn't stopped mortals from trying... No one knows when or who created it but an obscure technique was written down in old scrolls that have since been spread around the whole of Gallatheim. These are Scrolls of the Golem. Itens that grant the power to imbue life into a construct, called a Golem. Though even this is a flawed method, for Golems only "live" for their masters directive, and when their done, they'll only lie still, gathering a COAT of moss and dust, as lifeless as they once were.
28 - The Elves have always preferred the lush green forests in the interior, thus they have very few settlements close to the sea. To make up for this, the High-Elves of Thudrakae take full advantage of the vast Nírlo lake. This huge body of water, one of the largest in all of Gallatheim, is located near their capital of Arduryll and it's the Elves main fishing grounds. Their skilled fishermen  RIDE giant Gerridae to traverse the lake with ease and lay their nets and traps to catch mainly trouts, bass and catfish.
29 - Not many common beasts are as infamous as the Savagers. These mammals, roughly the size of Cave Bears, are relatives of Badgers and Wolverines, and just like their cousins, Savagers are brutal hunters capable of killing or scaring away even Wyverns. Their thick fur is covered with quills, much like a Porcupine, and their faces and paws bear the marks of old scars, since these animals are very territorial and their brawls are extremely violent. Many times a Savager can be seen INJURED, and picking at their fresh scabs from a recent fight, readying itself for another.
30 - The Korraroq region may seem like lifeless and cold place but there is a surprisingly large amount of live thriving just below the snow and ice. And with this kind of diversity comes predators, and one of the apex predators of Korraroq is the Remorhaz. These huge amphibian creatures are equal parts fish and crustacean and can create light and heat from the armored plates on its back, which it uses to lure and CATCH prey in the dark frigid water under the ice, or to evade or intimidade other Remorhaz by quickly melting the ice around it to form a mist cloud.
31 - Kobolds, that serve palaces and temples in the largest cities of the Aqila region, have their own neighborhoods, usually next to the poorer districts. Early in the morning, the patrols enter the area with whips, which they use to wake up the small reptiles by hitting their small wooden doors. The Kobolds all leave their homes one by one except the youngest, for they'll only leave the holes at the RIPE age of 10 which is much about 5 years to Humans. The slaves follow their handlers to their destination, where the jobs of the day are laid out, only at their master's request can they return home. Curiously enough, no Human has yet to find how the Kobold's homes are beyond those small doors.
Inktober 2019

Inktober 2019

The collection of the drawing I made for the Inktober Challenge (2019).
