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PotPies Gummies, Cannabis Edible Packaging

Logo Design and Custom Packaging project for PotPies Gummies by Full Scale Co.
Full Scale helped to design the branding and logo for their newly launched edible brand.  Pot Pies Edibles utilize Full Scale’s packaging solutions, label application, apparel design, sticker design as well as web design and custom animation design.  We developed and produced custom promotional gear, custom stickers, branded event backdrops – we assist Pot Pies with content creation, custom animations, photography and social media management through Full Scale.
As followers and supporters of the product for many years before engaging with the company, our team was always in agreement that this product was one of the best-tasting gummies on the market. Not only from a THC perspective but just as a gummy regardless of the Cannabis infusion. When we were engaged to Re-Brand Pot Pies, we were tasked with giving the brand the same personality as the people who run it. A nod to the lighter side, with a happy and humorous brand story that brings us back to the early years. We drew on some inspiration from fond memories enjoying our favorite treats for Pot Pies Edibles packaging. 
An Otter-Pop poolside, a pack of Starbursts while enjoying the summer blockbuster, and the early years of consuming when laughing for hours on end with friends was routine. Through concept and creating the Re-Brand, we were constantly reminiscing about our favorite candy stores and the enjoyment that was had saving up our money to spend at the store. We needed to achieve this feeling in creative without marketing towards children (per regulations), thus after several rounds on concept creation; The end product achieves all of that and more.
The bright colors and fun logo represent the vibrant tasting gummies inside the pack. The metallic matte labels provide a sleek finish that feels good in your hand on your way out of the store. The label is applied to Full Scale’s Certified Child Resistant Pop-Tops, to ensure all compliance is on point for Pot Pies Edibles packaging. 
PotPies Gummies, Cannabis Edible Packaging

Project Made For

PotPies Gummies, Cannabis Edible Packaging

Take a peek at this design and packaging project we did for PotPies Gummies!
