Desha Nujsongsinn's profile

Contemporary collage

Contemporary collage
‘My collage output is the result of having a serious addiction to printed matter. I´m hooked on type, colors, shapes and paper. For my artworks I mainly use paper I find in the streets which I simply have to cut into pieces. Because I´m also addicted to breaking things. I take elements out if it´s context and place it into something new. Every beginning starts with an end, every creation begins with destruction and I also like glue.

The construction began by cutting the existing order into parts to create a certain amount of tolerant anarchy. May contain traces of abstraction, constructivism, surrealism, dada and nuts.’

deshalb. | Désha Nujsongsinn is an independent designer and graphic artist based in Munich, Germany.
Some space for my ego trip:
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Contemporary collage

Contemporary collage
