Today, we are constantly surrounded by technology, using or being prompted to use technology every day, and - at least in an urban setting - we can’t seem to be able to live without it. As a culture and society, we are so enamoured by technology and everything it can do for us, we don’t want to let it go; or rather, we can’t let it go. Technology has integrated itself into our everyday lives so seamlessly, it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish a reality without it. However, once upon a time, all of one’s electronics stayed at home, stayed at work and never followed them through the in-between. Before the cellphone, before the Walkman, one would travel in silence or to the natural sounds of their environment.
Vinyl To-Go is a 1970s-themed visual parody of today's incredible development of technology, focusing on portable music. What do you think about it? 
Vinyl To-Go

Vinyl To-Go
