Cover of Advanced Healthcare Materials.  September 2011.  3D Illustration.
Cover of Nature Nanotechnology.  March 2008.  Colored SEM image.
Cover of Advanced Functional Materials.  January 2012.  Colored SEM image.
Cover of NanoScale. November 2009.  Colored SEM image.
Cover of Chinese Science Bulletin.  November 2012.  Colored SEM image.
Cover of Mechanical Engineering Magazine.  March 2010.  3D illustration.
Inside spread for Mechanical Engineering Magazine.  March 2010.  3D illustration.
Cover of Molecular Oncology.  December 2011.  3D illustration.
Cover of Advanced Healthcare Materials.  May 2013.  Colored SEM image.
Cover of Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews.  December 2012.  2D illustration.
Cover of Advanced Healthcare Materials.  January 2012.  3D illustration.
Cover of Pharmaceutical Research.  July 2011.  2D illustration/ photo manipulation.
Cover of Nanoscale.  August 2010.  Colored SEM images.
Cover of Cancer Science.  July 2011.  3D illustration.
Back cover of Lab on a Chip journal.  November 2010.  3D illustration.
Cover of Small journal.  March 2016.  Colored SEM.
Cover of Nature Materials.  May 2015.  Colored SEM.
Journal Covers

Journal Covers

Various scientific journals and magazine covers.
