Carolin Mendez's profile

Principles of The Three-Dimensional Design

 Principles of the Three-Dimensional Design
The principles of design can be thought of as what we do to the elements of design. How we apply the principles of design determines how successful we are in creating a work of art.   

Principles 2D Drawings

Principles 3D Drawings

Process very challenging, I had to create a piece of work for each principle that worked with each of those principles. My concept was to transmit balance, imbalance, simplicity and emphasis. The part I enjoyed the most was creating ideas to create a piece of work that would fit every principle.

Refers to the difference of size. 

 Refers to a comparison in terms of their properties of size and quantity.

Symmetrical Balance
Refers to the equal visual units right to left and top to bottom.

Asymmetrical Balance
Refers to the visual balance achieved by dissimilar visual units.

Radial Balance
Elements arranged equally around the central point.

Refers to the repeated objects to create movement and rhythm. 

Everything in the artwork works together; everything seems to belong.

A way of focusing attention to one part of the work.

Collage of all the Principles
Asymmetry ( Top Left ), Emphasis, Harmony, Proportion,
Rdial (Bottom Left ), Rhythm, Scale, Symmetry.
Principles of The Three-Dimensional Design

Principles of The Three-Dimensional Design


Creative Fields