Coming Soon:

I am planning a major addition to this section of my site, real astrophotography.  I had a nice talk with an amateur astro photographer and I am looking into what is called a Schmitt Cassegrain telescope and a motorized tracking tripod and a good interface for my Nikon D850 which is what I am hoping to use to get some pictures of nebula and supernova like the Crab Nebula.

My art continues to be broad based with me being the scientist, the photographer and the artist.  At some level these disciples of the mind are united in theology.  The science of God is the science of how other sciences and art relate and how the human person relates the the world.

Cnidaria or jellyfish are perhaps 
Blue Moon

The background is moonstone with some color enhancements.
Big Bang
Venus Rising
Cygnus X1
Cosmic Granite

This is actually granite.  I used Photoshop to colorize it a bit and then blurred it and used a radial blur to give it the sense of a supernova.  Actually, all of earth's elements come from the nuclear fusion of elements in Supernova in a time after the big bang when most of the elements where formed.

What is most fascinating is that granite is forgred in volcanos with crystals forming.  In a sense solar systems crystalized out of nuclear dust.  
It is said that all matter is a vibration on a cosmic string.

This is formed from a mineral Oligoclase.  The source of many of the minterals are formed in nuclear reactions in supernova.  I place a nebula (the veil on of my favorites) under the mineral as if it was flying in space.

The lower lfeft is from the Keiber belt as remnants from the origins of the solar system.

Light is three kinds.  The light of fire, the light of the atom and the light of the human soul.  Which does this really express?
The Seven Sisters of Mytosis
One of the most iconic sci fi pictures (and one of the few good ones in my opion) is "2001 A Space Odessesy" who combined the writing of Author C. Cleark with the music of a few Strauses and a wonderful modern compose Ligeti.  At the end of the picture is the image of a growing embryo against the background of space.  This  is my version.

One layered image is mytosis on a microscopic scale and the other a mineral and the last the plaids.  Many of the heavier elements of the universe are formed from two neutron starts or black holes joining to create new elements and then latter life.
Red Sprites in the Rockies

Jupiter Rising
Venus Rising

Astro Art

Astro Art


Creative Fields