Disconnection, an art exhibition
Gallery Ver, Bangkok, 2013
"The life of man [is] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." (Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, XIII.9)

Besides such a radical - and bloody - option for solving one's problems, humankind has developed a trick of sorts, a substitute to outright killing and that is, distorting and concealing the truth. To protect themselves, people (including myself) alter, embellish, expand, and truncate the raw truth to the point that it becomes an invented, seductive truth, one that bears only a distant relation with the society it is supposed to be referring to.
The power and authority of the State and the elite, who embody conservative morality and ethics, are set up to disguise and cover all the potential inner violence -more often than not, of a forbidden, sexual nature. Trying to reveal what is concealed is a formidable challenge.
This project focus on create ‘the way’ to connect people from deference background who have to live in the same place in reality. At the same time also create ‘Disconnected Condition’ to compare both side in theme of social philosophy.   
Communication equipment such as mobile phone will be used in theme of symbolic. The creating of artificial space from somewhere else to become overlapping territorial area with physical space, put people to disconnected experience with reality and gain to the important question about ‘Living as a human’ 


Exhibition on 4 May - 12 June 2013


Creative Fields