Symon Brown's profile

Graphic Design/Photo Collab

Graphic Design and Photography Collaboration Project
- Teams of three, one designer and two photographers

- Create and visually design a quote of your choice

- Think up ideas and brainstorm and sketch
Our Design Process
We created a theme surrounding  our quote. When looking for a quote we knew initially that we wanted something lighthearted, funny, and a quote that is recognizable by many. We eventually decided to go with the quote "You have no idea how high I can fly" -Michael Scott.
After picking the quote, we had to pick the theme to surround the quote. Again we wanted a theme which really brought out the lightheartedness and the funny aspect of the quote, so we decided to do a theme of color in white. So for each scene we are holding true to the theme and staying consistent with the white and color.
Creating the Display 
Below are some of the behind-the-scenes of setting up each display.
And Then, the Final Product 
Graphic Design/Photo Collab

Graphic Design/Photo Collab
