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The bully's layers (hides their insecurities)

Even though there are many possible reasons someone becomes a bully, most of the times the lack of self love or self confidence triggers these abusive behaviours. 

This illustrated booklet teaches how Puck, a hameredhead shark known to be a bully, hides his insecurities with layers of aggression.

The bully's layers                                                                                   Hides their insecurities

Each illustration is made up by a red overlay (the layers) that hides a how he really feels (his insecurities). The reader would be able to use the message decoder with a red cellophane sheet to discover how Puck really feels.

He judges others (because he feels judged)                                            He shows himself as aggressive because he's scared

He attacks the most intelligent ones (when he feels dumb)                 Insults beautiful fish (because he wants to be like them)

He maes fun of fat fish (because he feels fat)                                  Bothers the ones who are happy (because of his sadness)

This project isn't meant to justify bullying or any kind of negative behaviour. It encourages people to teach, reach and practice self love and self confidence, in order to avoid hidding their true selves with layers like Puck.
The bully's layers (hides their insecurities)

The bully's layers (hides their insecurities)

Even though there are many possible reasons someone becomes a bully, most of the times the lack of self love or self confidence triggers these ab Read More
