Shuyun Sylvia Lin's profile

Illustration of Taiwanese Leopard Cat 石虎插畫創作​​​​​​​

Illustration of  Taiwanese Leopard Cat
石虎插畫創作​​​​​​​ - 2019 石虎畫播專線計畫
Taiwanese Leopard Cat 
Prionailurus bengalensis
Reference of the Leopard Cat​​​​​​​
Photo from Taipei Zoo and Leopard Cat Association of Taiwan
Reference of the Habitat
台灣淺山地區 - 闊葉林樣貌
Design of The Leopard Cat
Illustration of the Scene
Illustration Process
Illustration of Taiwanese Leopard Cat 石虎插畫創作​​​​​​​

Illustration of Taiwanese Leopard Cat 石虎插畫創作​​​​​​​

Illustration of  Taiwanese Leopard Cat 石虎插畫創作​​​​​​​ - 2019 石虎畫播專線計畫
