Every company and every people who work in it is unique, therefore if there is any inequality happens in it, the circumstances and the solution is also unique. Aiming to help those who are faced with inequality in their workplace, Twiners is created so they can share their experience, ideas and feedback by conversation with their colleagues and superiors to recognize the unique problem and the solution. The conversation is anonymous but it is kept within the people of the same workplace to keep it confidential.
Rope and ties is used as the main element as an symbol of good conversation and connection. In addition to that, pen-like stroke is used to give casual and relax feeling for the user who are already in troubled condition.
The conversation is started in a form of 'If I were...' to create a more personal and relax condition. The result is presented as a chart to show the priority.
A quarterly publication will be released and given out to people in the related workplaces, especially to the managing higher-ups. The publication contains general updates and a company-specific report of the conversations by the people of that company.


An online platform to help solve inequality in workplace.
