Morgan Strus-Allen's profile

Social Awareness Poster

Who would have thought that design could save the planet? While the Earth is struggling to stay alive, humans continue to seemingly not care. After personally becoming angered by this, I wanted to put my frustrations and design skills to use. By using both Illustrator and InDesign, I was able to put together a poster that gets straight to the point: Start Caring.
At first, I felt inspired to inform viewers to carpool in order to decrease carbon emissions. This is where the idea of the side mirror and it's infamous "objects in mirror are closer than they appear" came to be. After some more thought, I decided to leave out any text about carpooling and letting the poster simply encompass all aspects of helping the planet. I decided on using an alarming red color to grab the viewer's attention and various shades of gray in order to depict the grim and lifeless planet that is not so far away. Using the clear and bold font, Bebas Kai, I laid the type that reminds viewers that the end of our beautiful planet is not as far away as it seems if we do not start taking action.
Social Awareness Poster

Social Awareness Poster
