In the Summer of 2015, after completing the second year of my studies at university - I was presented with an opportunity too good to turn down. So after rearranging my flight for my holiday in Greece, I headed to the BBC studios in Cardiff and reported for duty.

​​​​​​​I had the fortune of working on two episodes, "The Zygon Invasion" and "The Zygon Inversion" - a two-part feature. The majority of my time was with the art department, and a collection of tasks given to me under that wing resulted in the creation of graphics, decals and signage.

What you're about to see is a small collection of work amassed from my time working on Doctor Who.

Junk Mail / Flyers
These three samples are from a range of junk mail and flyers created to be used as set decoration - primarily in the doorway to Clara Oswald's apartment. The creations weren't to be shown close enough for details to be readable, so the textual content didn't really bare any importance - however, to make myself fully immersed, I wanted to add a splash of somewhat related and realistic information to the designs.

Police Documents
For this task, I recreated United States police documents for the 1960s, 1980s, and modern day (2010s). The documents were created in Microsoft Office Word, and the design takes an amalgamation of different documents found in the research stage. All names used were provided with consent from close friends and family, and the prints were taken from one of my own hands and manipulated in Adobe Photoshop to provide an asymmetrical appearance from a distance.

Officer Mugs
This task was one of my personal favourites - the brief called for "cheesy" and "overly patriotic" mug decals. So after gathering data on phrases and words most associated with the United States and Mexico by the natives, I designed the following graphics - which would go on to be part of the set dressing in one of the scenes set in a New Mexico Police Department.

Local Signage
For this topic, I began with researching the colour palette of New Mexico's signs - which were primarily white or forest green. Second, I looked into what kinds of content would typically be found on the signage, before creating these designs. They're not 100% accurate, though like the other text-based designs, aren't designed with the intention of being readable on screen.


The graphics and digital art created during my time working on a handful of Doctor Who episodes.
