Based on a self-written poem titled, PEEK , this video remix is a commentary on how fast-paced society is; how we live in an era of instant gratification, and how we tend to take present moments for granted, unless it is “instagram-worthy”. Yet because of how fast everything goes, oftentimes we overlook the things that happen around us, resulting in a culture of unawareness and oblivion. This video remix aims to bring about how much beauty there is in the mundane and everyday if we just took the time to take a peek, and pause to see it.
Glimpsing past moments
That fly right by
I watch as I lie awake

Fleeting piles
of momentary days
Flickering, Wavering, Passing

It doesn’t stick
It doesn’t sink
It doesn’t stay

Yet every tree
Every light
Every sound
Absorbs, forms, and grows with time

And maybe if we just
Stopped, paused, and be still
We too can see
Beyond the mundane

