Retake (2017)
'Retake' is an observational drawing project focused on 'drawing for the sake of drawing'. From my room, I collected several old books and a Diversion sign that I found lying in a meadow beside my house. Inspired by Mel Nguyen's sculptures, I divided the sign into randomshapes and cut using a jigsaw, before masking areas off and spray painting them in bold colours. The pieces were then drilled and ziptied together to create a 3D sculpture. From my books I was inspired by Johwey Redington's sculptures and created my own. I also sought inspiration from Henriëtte Van't Hoog and her use of careful angles in her drawings that produce 3D shapes when looked at a certain way. Some of my favourite pieces from the project were the A1 version of one of my sculptural pieces (Picture 3) that combined spray paint, tape and stitch, and the little mini paper sculptures I made.

Selecting motifs from my drawings, I created a bold range of digital prints that would work well in both an interior and a fashion setting.
Retake (2017)

Retake (2017)
