Here are 4 short stories in combination the of brushes test that i did to convey different emotions in my artworks

"While Everyone is Running"
One night, while I walked by a busy avenue, I saw a sir stand in front of a tomb. at first, he gave me distrust... but, he not even notice my presence.

I walked a little more, and i turned my head. There was here yet.

Despite the cars noise and all the hustle around him, it seemed that the time didn't pass to him...logical, no?

That was a conmoving scene, but despite my curiosity I limited myself to be just a viewer, since outherwise I would have been an intrurder
"A Genuine Opportunity"
Dylan take the decision of rent a hut in a mountain to get away from it all, but, soon realize that the mother nature not receive him with the arms open.

The violent changes of weather, full of extreme heat in the day and heavy rains at night make him discourage and want to return to his daily life without having been able to relax or learn anything.

But one morning while he walks through the woods in search of his coat that the wind flew. He meets a strange creature

"I offer you the option to change your life for ever, Just you must do me several favors... Take it or leave, but don't waste my time"
"Eternal Night"
Million thoughts accompany that look, So peaceful and relaxed, but at the same time restless and expectant.

After so much time, I've learned to recognize it, but despite my efforts, I have failed to decipher it ...
"Sleepless nights"
When I was in elementary school I had a cat named Kim, she was very restless and one night she woke me up because I was climbing my curtains, then she fell right next to my head.

The day he had to go, my sister became very sad and wrote a poem called "The cat in the window." So I decided to make this Illustration in his honor.
Short stories

Short stories

Compilation of photoshop brushes test that i did to convey different emotions in my artworks
