Mr Watson's profile


For Christmas Santa let me know that this year a little girl was into space and Lego so I thought I could run with the space theme. Santa had a couple of space/ Lego / science themed bits to wrap up but I thought,  if he could get some little extras then I could do something creative with the packaging. 

I am aware this has definite similarities with my other space based sticker project 'Astro' which you can also find on my profile.  I even ended up designing the exact same yellow and pink planet. Astro was all hand drawn elements scanned and refined in Photoshop. The entirety of this project was entirely sketched and realised from start to finish in Photoshop. I even laid out my sticker sheet and  exported it as a jpg which I printed direct from my phone. 

The labels for the sweets took on a bit of a retro feel as the initial idea came from the flying saucers and everything came out of that. A lot of the colours where also inspired by the pastel shades of the saucers and I wanted to have pink elements to Autumns space suit. Yes it is now 2020 but this little girl happens to still be into stereotypical 'girly' things and the colours fitted with the theme too so it all worked. The blues and cyans I was able to tie in with the mushroom sweets, the flag and the lasers and reds from the mars and rocks. Greens came from the aliens as well as the rocks and the flag, everything tying up nicely. 

I had a really small window for this project but thanks to some supplies from an amazon prime account I was able to get it done. 



This project is another niece inspired project. For Christmas my brother let me know that this year Autumn was into space and Lego so I thought I Read More
