degewo Intranet
Responsive website project with the aim to streamline the intranet with the just relaunched main website, de-clutter the long grown information architecture as well as reduce and digitalize contents that in some cases only existed as file uploads. A further aim was to involve and connect the huge amount of employees better in an informative, entertaining and easy to maintain way.
Agency: ressourcenmangel, Berlin | 2018
My task: UX project lead incl. all information architecture, wireframes and documentation.
After login the user is greeted with a personal welcome, recent news and infos, dates and document downloads. He also finds steady quick links to important and frequently used topics such as the time tracking system.
This classic distribution page allows access to all news articles, dates and open jobs as it is common to internally apply for a new position.
Page structure for a classic news article or other content page with typical content modules such as text modules, tables, an image gallery, accordeon and a link list.
This distribution page allows access to contents that formerly were buried in fourth and fifth level. With a new category and tag system they could move at least to the third level with full overview on the second. So many fewer clicks!
Another type of third level content page with an optional temporary advice, image driven contact teasers and the possibilty to add further contents as uploads like in the existing system.
degewo Intranet

degewo Intranet

Responsive website project with the aim to streamline the intranet with the just relaunched main website and de-clutter the long grown informatio Read More
