"Sinking Ship" was a project produced for my Introduction to Illustration class at SCAD. The assignment was to create an illustration based off of a limerick taken from a website that was provided to us by our professor.
This is the limerick I chose to illustrate:
There was an Old Man in a boat,
Who said, "I'm afloat, I'm afloat!"
When they said, "No! You ain't!"
He was ready to faint,
That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
I wanted to focus on the character of the Old Man, who up until the point that he is unceremoniously informed that he is no longer afloat, was perfectly content (in my mind's eye) to be in his little boat. I wanted to draw him happily playing a violin, perfectly unaware that he is steadily sinking into the dark water beneath him. After some trial and error, this is the solution that I came up with.
This piece was created traditionally using pen and ink. Some shading and highlighting was enhanced digitally using Adobe Photoshop.
Image and character design (c) Haley Waller 2013
Limerick (c) Edward Lear
Sinking Ship

Sinking Ship

"Sinking Ship" was a project produced for my Introduction to Illustration class at SCAD. The assignment was to create an illustration based off o Read More
