CREATE--the action or process of bringing something into existence, a thing which has been made or invented, especially something showing artistic talent, to cause to exist; to make, bring (something) into existence, cause (something) to happen as a result of one's actions, produced, FROM OUT OF NOTHING.

I am always creating.  Creating for clients, myself, tuning and praciticing new ideas and skilss.  I Create just to create, because that is all part of the process. Afro Exposure is a combination of a few different things.  It is the "Double" or "Multiple" exposure technique (done in Adobe Photoshop) with models of African descent and from the Diaspora hence the name "Afro Exposure".   A series of images creating using The multiple exposure technique in Adobe Photoshop applied with alot of different skin tones, textures, different scenery and space created a nice array of art and visuals.  These are all done  by me in Adobe Photoshop.  No shortcuts, no Photoshop actions just good art.  So tutorials and videos on how i created some of these will be coming in the future (stay tuned) but for now.  Enjoy the Art with a few mock-ups and links to where you can purchase.  Have a great day and Be Safe.

Blessings Photoshop Shaman 
I am open to commission, contract work and  collaboration.  Inbox about any inquires, request or email: 
Afro Exposure 1

Afro Exposure 1

A collection of Art created in Adobe Photoshop showcasing different skills needed to be proficient in Photoshop. Using the Double (multiple) Expo Read More
