Igor Pitas's profile

Graduation Project

The proposition for the graduation project at 2010 at Puc-Campinas was work at the periferic regions of São Paulo city, fucusing  in the cities that the  est corner highway (Rodoanel trecho Leste) will pass.

Those cities are at a very fragil site in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, since they are placed at springs hydric resources and is the home for several needy people, that sometimes live at dangerous places and close to rivers and waterways.
The choosed city by our group was Itaquaquecetuba, witch sadly is de 4ª poorest city of the state. The site for our urban project was near to Itaquaquecetuba train station, the most important station of the city, since it is at the expanded downtown of the city.

We selected a 20ha land to work with, confined between the line train and the Tiête river.
This is a very problematic place of the city, with irregular houses constructed over streams and waterproofing an important lowland for the metropolitan region. The inhabitants constantly have flood problems at they neighborhood and there are only two transpositions over the line train to the downtown, one pedestrianway through the station and a small street at southest witch can pass one car by time dividing the passway with pedestrians (no small trucks). The only another transposition after those mentioned is 2km north of the site.
The Urban Project seek to fulfill those problems mentioned. We made a new important transposition throogh the line train, connecting two very importants city avenues Av. Italo Adame and Av. Presidente Tancredo Neves, and we adapt the southest transposition for two cars and pedestrians.
For solving the problems with waterproofing of the soil and the floods we made more green zones, parks and respected the laws with the minimun distance from the watercourses, witch weren't being respected.
Getting into the architectural project the first things to be thought were relationship that the social housing buildings would be with the surroundings areas.
Since the north and south street would have an intense pedestrians flow heading to the train station, those streets I worked with comercial units, and the intern part of the project I worked with squares, places for people recreation and meetings and residential units.
The block has 105mts for 72mts, in other words, a very big block to surround if you just want to get to the other side. That''s why I made three transpositions posible across the block. witch will work also as a semi-public space and courtyards for the residents and passersby.
Another thing that the project explored was the surroundings views, like, the view of the lake, the river, parks and public areas. With this proposal to integrate the private spaces with the natural and public spaces. That's why I worked with buildings with diferent highs, so one building would not block the view from the other.
The project try to bring to istself some features of the way of life of the favelas and guetos. One thing that we can note in Brazil is, when we took a person who lives on those kinds of places and put in another neighborhood and buildings, they have problems to adapt, and sometimes they go back to the favelas. So that's why I putted so many values on the common areas, as the squares between buildings, the roofgardens over the  two floors buildings and the barbabue areas.

The idea of using a roofgardens in a project for the low-income public is to bring to the inside of the complex reacreation areas and some spaces where the residents can cultivate greens and plants to complemente their storeroom. Those roofgardens and barbacue areas are interconnected by catwalks witch permit the circulation around all the project.

It was projected three typologies of buildings, one duplex, one apartment and another commercial. The first two buildings were projected taking advantage from the soil's slope, the duplex one the vertical circulation is by stairs and the apartment one the vertical circulation is by ramps. Its important to say as well, between the buildings was project also catwalks to ease the circulation.
The project group the wet areas of the residential units to lowcosts.
Duplex Unit
I sought one typologie witch were very used on the earlier 1960s and 1970s in Uruguai and Argentina, where someone built one part of the house with the most expensive parts as the wet areas and eletrical system giving an standard house with kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and living/dinneroom and leaving the other part of the house to the ownership to built. This typologie recently was incorporated by the chilean's office ELEMENTAL, witch was a very rich inspiration fount to this graduation project.

There are in total 88 residential units, 36 duplex units and 42 apartment units.
The duplex unit initial area is 43,50m², and the expanded area is 74,80m².
The apartment unit initial area is 42,82m², and the expanded area is 63,45m².
Apartment Unit
Comertial Unit
The commercial typologie seeks the same logic but in anotherway. There are six commercial buildings with double hight each one. Each commercial building is separated by an center acess to the complex, leting two commercial areas on the building, each one with 80m². Basically there are eigh commercial units per building grouped in four, each one with 20m². The units can be paired as the necessity of the store giving us a store with, 20m², 40m², 60m² or 80m².

The commerce in the complex can be a small market, hairdresser, shoes repair, bike shop, lanhouse, etc.

Two commercial units (40m²) were for a Residents Association.
The constructive technique of the project was concrete pre-fabricated plates, witch can speed the construction process and reduce costs.

For the expanded areas of the units I let consoles to the residents construct the slab. To this area I let technique free, so the resident can construct with what he preffers and paint with a color of his choice. This way each resident can customize his house with his individuality. 
Graduation Project

Graduation Project

in progress...


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