Category: Logo design, Requirements: Graphic Design
▣ High Quality & Unique Design
For more details & order similar work
Please contact: patelchintan11021997@gmail.com
Name to incorporate in the logo

Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Better Water Worldwide

Description of the organization and its target audience
We sell gravity water filters that sit on the counter in your kitchen (they are beautiful) and we are the first company to offer custom design and color options other than stainless steel silver. Even better, every Gyser Natural Filtration System sold helps provide access to clean, safe, reliable water for communities across sub-Saharan Africa. Target audience is females who value quality, clean living and giving back to those less fortunate.

black...if you integrate any color it can be blue like a water drop, but I want this just black font

I am not interested in an image or picture as part of the logo. I just want the perfect font. If anything you can include a water drop or spigot into the design to connect it to the water filter category. Keep it minimal. Think brands like Nest, Ring, etc. that fit perfectly into your household. I am including images of the product so you can see the primary place the logo will be viewed, on the water filter itself.
My social media account
instagram - @design__hubb
facebook - @designhub1250
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The company sell gravity water filters that sit on the counter in your kitchen (they are beautiful) and They are the first company to offer custo Read More
