David Wei's profile

View Finder, Photo book

View Finder, 2012
--A sister book of “0506”

As I was composing project “0506,” I felt that some photos might be better off being in another separate project because of their nature. Those photos tended to be more stand-alone, or make more sense when paired with another picture without limitation of the timeline in the chronologically-orientated “0506.”

I was never intensively trained as a photographer. When I'm finding a view to shoot, I'm more attracted to scenes that are rich in lines/composition than light/atmosphere, which is a significant element to photography whereas lines are more about graphic design. As result, my photographic works are flatter, shallower, and involve more lines and shapes. Other than that, I also like scenes that are interesting, have a story, or have a few little details to look for. However, they're not necessarily pretty pictures in that regard.
"Photos&words"... Funny, I don't remember I had anything to say about those pictures. This was meant to be a picture-only photo book project XD
Me and a few guys were touring around a work site. We saw a truck kinda-overturned on one side, and a bit farther on the other side was a guy laying on the ground. We thought he was injured, but the only thing injured was the chassis of the truck. That guy was resting or what seemed like sun bathing while the truck commotion took place nearby. 
Maybe that's the driver, "hum, I didn't sign up for that!"
View Finder, Photo book

View Finder, Photo book

View Finder, Photo Book
