Set to be in luxurious city of Dubai, UAE. Hanging Cafe is inspired by Contemporary Dance and Luxury; the hanging cafe gives its customers a feeling of sophistication and ultimate glam.
Not just through the food; but through the interior, lighting, color palette, and treatment of the place.
The hanging cafe is a place where one goes during the day for high tea and during the night for a candle lit dinner accompanied with various shows from different contemporary dancers on stage.
Why hanging cafe?
As an ode to contemporary and aerial silk dance, we dedicated the look and feel of the cafe to have aerial silk and everything hanging from the ceiling. From the lights, to the waitresses serving you food and drink from the ceiling, the decorations, and the dancers.
hanging cafe

hanging cafe

As a brief we needed to create the identity of a restaurant or a cafe you wish existed in real life. I decided to design an identity for a cafe w Read More
