Teddy Smarz's profile

The Caesar Salad

The Caesar Salad
I created this ensemble during my Sophomore year at RISD in Apparel for my design class in the Fall 2019 semester. We had a series of projects that accumulated to the final look which is shown here. We had projects that explored embroidery and mask making which lead me to be inspired by the Roman Empire and a powerful leader. For the final we were given the task to create a textile. I created a massive textile that I would drape over me to serve as a cape or vestment worn by a King. I created the textile by collecting and re-purposing red textiles that used to be pillows and curtains from Savers (second hand store). I then cut and sew them together to create this one piece of fabric that I lined with some silky gold fabric. I titled this project "The Caesar Salad" because of the inspiration from Julius Caesar of the Roman Empire and how I created the textile by piecing together fabric that was from different red pillow cases and curtains to create one final fabric. 

For this textile project I was inspired by a leader who is militaristic but also very powerful and treated with luxury of highly decorated garments that truly elaborate. This leader is always beautifully presented and has a high level of confidence and power but stays humble. I was inspired by some figures in history such as Julius Caesar with the Roman Empire and Pope Urban II who was considered the militaristic Pope who sparked the Crusades. I was interested in a ruthless and savage leader who gets what he desires with his power and strength. Red is my favorite color being it is my Mom’s favorite color and we have a red room at home that inspired me to have a red theme for the textile and to be the color to represent this leader. I feel that the color red is a powerful, bold and confident color that resembles this ruthless mindset and power thirsty mindset. 

I was inspired in particular by Leigh Bowery where he was constantly over the top in his outfits, mindset and presentation. I wanted this idea to transfer to my influence with the Catholic Church and the Roman Empire. Bowery made me think that nothing can be too much and too over the top. He also was speaking to me that nothing can never be too bold. I really wanted my mask to be fierce but highly decorative with the red theme, having motifs of war but also fit for a king in its luxury and decoration. I really wanted everything to be highly decorative with the color red which Leigh Bowery gave me the insight to be bold and you can never have enough to really drive a point home. Also how Bowery puts on these outfits to be looked at in a new light that is everything but boring, instead highly elaborate and decorative.

My vision informs my process. I have these visions and dreams where I have an idea of what I want my project to look like and how I want the mood/vibe to be. After that, I figure out how I am going to bring that idea to reality and actually be able to create something realistically. From there my inspiration is set because it comes from my vision and what I want to be presented and what I want to be portrayed as. 

I want to express these ideas and mindsets. When people see what I have created I want them to be brought to a certain place and have a certain mood/attitude towards it. When I put on this long textile that is draped over me, put on my mask and sit in a chair like a throne with a pillow, I want to be looked at in a different way and put into a different light. I am an only child and feel that I have been spoiled and treated like a prince my entire life. This has definitely shaped who I am today and the way that I think. Everything that I have now is all thanks to my family who supports me and puts me as the center of attention, I have grown to enjoy and accept that which I wanted to portray myself as a king, prince, pope and leader who is ruthless with his ideas that will not take no for an answer and is quite selfish. 

It all started with the pillow that I made which was inspired by the red room and the decoration of my childhood home which really is my Mom who influences my decisions and turning me into the person that I am today. My Mom designed the interior of the home and has really put those influences and ideas into my head. The color red, the style and ornamentation are all thanks to my Mom for raising me a certain way and putting these objects and ideas close to me from the start. I have been born and raised Catholic and still practice by going to mass every weekend which heavily influenced my work. Being exposed to beauty that is inside the church in the art, architecture, stained glass, church garments such as the vestments and the powerful position the church has held in society through history which has highly influenced my narrative I want to tell. Below is a picture of me before the final critique with my textile hung. 
The Caesar Salad

The Caesar Salad

I created this ensemble during my Sophomore year at RISD in Apparel for my design class in the Fall 2019 semester. We had a series of projects th Read More
