The Messy Kitchen Issue

Bakey Wakey is a baking publication that features weird recipes, unorthodox baking interviews, fun graphics and spectacular failures. Articles Include: "The Rise of Anxiety Baking," "The Strange Stereotypes of Baking," and "Serial Killer Who Apparently Makes Pretty Good Sponge Cake Wins Prison Bake-Off." Learn how to make funky desserts such as Banana Split Grilled Nachos and Kitty Litter Cake.

Baking can be cute. But sometimes it's not. So you messed up...your sponge cake deflated and you over-proved your bread. Who hasn't? Smile, you suck - it's okay. Enjoy your failure and read our latest issue. ​​​​​​​
front/back cover + table of contents​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
inside spreads​​​​​​​

Bakey Wakey

Bakey Wakey
