At the beginning of my 3th Bachelor year in advertising, we had our first briefing to create and design a toptopical (an ad for newspaper which has a direct link to an actual newsfact).
Belgium hasn't got a governement and the idea behind the toptopical was that our Pime Minister was chosen and the country would (finally) have a governement again. This means of course that the toptopical is fictional and, as many thing could happen, and still can, I chose for the fact that the Walloon Elio Di Rupo, head of the Ps (second most popular political party in Belgium) would've been elected Prime Minister.
Secondly we had to choose a brand to combine the product with the (fictional) newsfact, which became the pasta brand: Barilla
Di Rupo, known for his excentric looks (he always wears a red bowtie) and Italian roots fitted the idea perfectly.


Fictional top topical about the Belgian government based on the fictional fact of Di Rupo elected as Prime Minister.
