I wanted to look for people who were victims of toxic masculinity and casual sexism. I didn’t have to look very far, especially in a world where sexist opinions are rampant.  
“You’re in your 20s, when are you getting married?“
“घर का मर्द Science नहीं लेके Arts क्यों ले रहा है?”
“लड़कियों को दबा के रखना चाहिए”
“But you’re a girl, how can you play football?”
These photos act as an exposition of society. All of the subjects are between the ages of 12 and 21. If this toxicity is plaguing even the youngest generation, where is the hope? Where is the change? Who do we hold accountable? We need to create a world which is more accepting, and a world where people aren’t afraid to be themselves.



