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Street Fighter II Card Game Adaptation

A Street Fighter II Card Game Adaptation
meant to show off systemic design!

This card game was a final project for a Game Systems Design course at UCSC. The prompt was to make a board or card game based off an existing video game. This project includes a pdf of the rules and png sheet if you want to make the cards yourself!

Some design challenges that came with this project include figuring out a way to adapt the fast-paced action and attack pattern memorization of Street Fighter into a card game. We also wanted the game to include a positive feedback loop that allows a faster player to set up combos even faster, recreating the feeling of momentum in a fighting game. 
We accomplished this by having the game be played in real time rather than being turn-based, as well as including wild cards that you can gain from successful attacks.  There is also a common pool of cards that both players can draw from, meaning both players can help or hinder their opponent. 


Graphic Design by Austin Bragger
Original Street Fighter II ​Art owned by Capcom

Written Rules-

Gameplay and Rules-
Here is a png sheet of the cards if you want to make the game yourself! (cards by Austin)
Street Fighter II Card Game Adaptation

Street Fighter II Card Game Adaptation


Creative Fields