Shannon Irwin's profile

Character Peek: WIX

Species Concept Info:
Species Name: Corfurrure (Latin for: Heart Fur)
A small rodent species resembling red squirrels. They feed off of emotions and have strong magical cores because of it.

 • Corfurrures are technically an endangered magical species due to poaching + black market sales. Their strong magical cores + intellect make them great magical familiars/pets and a large portion of the population was captured as a commodity. Their sentience was usually ignored and they were treated as animals instead of intelligent individuals.
•  The species went into hiding after their numbers began dwindling, despite laws being passed to stop the illegal entrapment of Corfurrures the species as a whole remains isolated and secretive.
• The species uses magical charms to take on forms of other sentient races in order to fit in + learn about outside cultures. This practice used to be taught to young Corfurrures + passed down between generations but has since stopped to dissuade young ones from coming out of hiding. (which is why Mags doesn't know how to make her own charms)
 • Corfurrures passively/constantly feed off of the emotions from any surrounding living being. They can eat normal food but it does not sustain them long term. This passive ability usually leaves people within distance feeling calm and sated.
• Mag's empathic abilities are a rare mutation amongst her kind. Most Corfurrure can't manipulate the emotions they feed from but Mags can.
• Mags is the first Corfurrure to return to outer world society in a very long time, she's always been curious about humans + other races and despite her instinctual nerves she's very excited to be outside her home tree. The hope was to prove the world was safer for the return of the species as a whole so they could come out of hiding.
• Mag's role as an Ambassador was to make sure the outside world was safe while also learning how to control her empathic powers, since she couldn't learn to do so from home. 

(Cannonly w/WIX lore: the dean's announcement to hold the students hostage until the outside world can solve the issue without using magic, matches why the Corfurrures went into hiding in the first place, the increase in magic put the species in danger. But now the school is holding one of their own hostage and has definitely set back any progress the species had made in terms of coming out of hiding again) 

Character Peek: WIX


Character Peek: WIX

A fictional species concept, cute squirrel girl!
