Matheus M. Bianchi's profile

Cotidiano | Photo series

Cotidiano (in English: Everyday) is a photo series that explores the surreal in everyday situations, developed as a photography graduation project for the Media Studies program of Unicamp and then turned a personal project beyond the university walls. My workflow was based heavily on post-production. I look to give our day to day lives a humorous and fantastical touch.
Every photograph in the series began as ideas in my sketchbook. As I accumulated possible paths to follow, I could choose the more promising concepts and plan accordingly. This included location scouting, checking the weather, getting the gear ready, inviting models and assistants, and testing how to pull off the effects I wanted to achieve. Not many ideas worked well in the first try.
The brainstorming of ideas can lead you to unusual paths. In the bottom line, in the middle, is the initial sketch for the photo 'Light reading', which the breakdown is available below.
All photos are composed of many individual images taken separately and a lot of digital manipulation to get to the desired look. The software used is Photoshop. A combination of masks, curves, hue/saturation, levels, and many, many layers were necessary to create the photograph “Light Reading”, for example. However, the process of post-production only worked because of a pre-production planning: the camera didn’t move between one shot and another, the use of consistent lighting and flash, etc.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mauricius Martins Farina
Conception, photography, post-production: Matheus M. Bianchi
Assistants: Bella Socorro, Renan Baldi, Lígia Villaron, Matheus Ferreira, Júlio Carvalho, Henrique Carvalho, Adelson Bianchi, Vanessa Bianchi e Maria Luiza Bianchi
Cotidiano | Photo series


Cotidiano | Photo series
