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Vehicle Wrap Design Update

Project:  Vehicle Wrap for WVOK

Project begins with confirmation of vehicle model then obtaining schematic drawings showing various views. The schematic drawing makes it easy to overlay key graphic elements so they can be sized and located while allowing for vehicle trim, door openings, head lamps, windows, etc.
Here is a collection of graphics provided by the client. Of course the the client did not have all the logos in a nice vector so I had to rebuild the True Oldies 1580 WVOK from a tiny 72ppi JPEG.
It was important to the client that the collegiate and high school logo be featured in a secondary role. In my initial design the Jacksonville State Gamecocks logo filled the rear quarter panel. The client required that it fit inside the rear windows.
Below ia a work in progress screen capture of the hood/roof graphics being built in Photoshop. This PSB file is 208" x 97" at 150PPI which makes for a 127GB file. Upon client approval the overlay of the vehicle is removed and the file is "saved as" a JPEG. In this case, one file for the hood and another for the roof. Below is the hood art file as it went to the vendor.
And in case you actually scroll down this far, this is what the WVOK Darango looked like prior to the new wrap.
Vehicle Wrap Design Update

Vehicle Wrap Design Update

Project begins with confirmation of vehicle model then obtaining schematic drawings showing various views. The schematic drawing makes it easy to Read More
