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A Poster For Integration

Posterheroes 2019
+2100 posters
+100 countries
Integration, acceptance and diversity in today's society.
We live in a globalized society, in which all of us come into contact with different cultures, languages and customs on a daily basis. “Contact” can be direct, when different ethnic groups coexist in the same place or interact with one another, or indirect, namely from shopping at the supermarket to using terms borrowed from other languages which have now become everyday communication elements.
In the process of integration, words like migrant and host are temporary actors on the same stage, though have different roles; the first must be able to adapt and learn, the second available and open. The migrant begins a new life in an unknown environment, the host must be able to welcome an individual whose history, customs and thought are hardly known to him. In this context, our task should be to promote dialogue, human rights, safeguarding of peace, sustainable development and, last but not least, global citizenship. By now, the Other should no longer be unknown and distant, but an integral part of the process of growth and collective enrichment.
Considering migration as a “transfusion” of ideas, cultures and “knowledge”:
What is the importance of migrations, migrants and diversity for a nation?
What does it mean to overcome the fear of the Other?
What are the physical or virtual boundaries that hinder integration processes?
Who is the global citizen of the future?
The Contest intends to make people aware of integration and acceptance issues, and to enhance “diversity” as a resource upon which to build “tomorrow’s” communities.

Una giuria internazionale, composta da esperti di grafica, arte e comunicazione, ha selezionato i 40 poster vincitori tra più di 2000 partecipanti.
Posterheroes is an international contest about social design and social communication asking to the international creative community to express powerful messages through a poster 70×100 cm about social and environmental issues. The contest, created in 2010 by PLUG association, is open to everyone and aims to involve especially young people and international artists.
Le opere d’arte selezionate sono pubblicate nel prezioso calendario 2020 “A poster for integration”, stampato interamente su Refit, la nuova carta ecologica di Favini con il 15% di residui di lavorazione della lana e del cotone.
A Poster For Integration


A Poster For Integration

Per l’edizione 2019 del concorso, Favini, insieme all’associazione PLUG, ha chiesto alla comunità creativa internazionale di esprimere una propri Read More
