Mariajose Lapresta's profileOmar Zerpa Mena's profile


Urban Intervention

Architects: Mariajosé Lapresta
Industrial Designer: Omar Zerpa
Project: 2019
Location: Caracas. Venezuela
This intervention is inspired by Caracas and its people, how the city and the user interact.It is based on a simple route with puntual interventions, covered with reflective surfaces. These allow the recognition of theenvironment, the reflection of the city and itspopulation.  "How the city reflects and how theviewer is reflected in it". Each space has place forpermanence, intermediate spaces and visual interaction, play of light and colors.Observation is sought, to be seen in a different way within the city, always being part of the context,inspiring the sense of belonging to the place and the connection with it.​​​​​​​
Location: PLAZA BOLÍVAR. Caracas. Venezuela
It has four parts located at the points of greatest mobility and concentration of people within the plaza.
Color Cube. CONCEPT
360 views. Sequential parallelepipeds                           Separation into individual cubes.   

360 turns. Sequential                                                        Reflective faces and graphics. RENDER                                
Viewfinder. CONCEPT
Central Cube. Open Center                                                           Reflective faces. Focal Point
180 views. Permanence space                                                                      Auction center of the plaza. RENDER
City of mirrors. CONCEPT
Cube rotated 45 °. Based onthe colonial grid                       Internal circulation. Intermediate space Reinterpretation of the city
Similar to topography from the city                                 Central monolith. Upper PyramidilluminatedRemembrance to the plaza

Visuals Approach to the intervention            
Reflectant Pavilion. CONCEPT
Parallelepiped Suggest Tour Both ways                                              Central body turn. Heights.Greater Movement
Reflective cover.Intermediate space Inside-outside relationship Interaction with the city. RENDER


Urban Intervention. Plaza Bolívar. Caracas. Venezuela
