The Plague Doctor has arrived
Linocut printmaking
Linocut Printmaking - hand pulled prints

The process for this piece began on the iPad, drawing this original plague doctor design in Adobe Fresco with the Apple Pencil.

Next, I printed the image and transferred the image onto a linoleum plate.

Then, I can carve the design into the lino with the cutting tools. 

Printing is a very manual, physical process, from inking up the plate, to burnishing the paper against the plate with the back of a teaspoon to get good contact and ink saturation. 

The print shown has been printed on a paper made of recycled coffee bags... or coffee bean husks, or something coffee-related. ;)
This is the final print...
This is the digital image that I drew (using iPad & Apple Pencil) to begin... 
In order:
1 - digital image of the plague doctor
2 - digital mockup of how I expected the image to lay out on the printing plate
3 - carving the image into the lino sheet
4 - final print 

Plague Doctor 2020

Plague Doctor 2020

A linocut image of the Plague Doctor, rolling up on his tricycle.
