Concept storyboard for the main titles sequence for the BBC One show Doctor Who

Myself and the directors at Momoco were tasked with coming up with new ideas for the main titles sequence for Doctor Who. Our brief was to come up with something new, fresh and exciting and something that no one has seen before and that we should not show the vortex which the recent Doctor Who titles have become famous for.

My idea was to show the Tardis literally travelling through time and space. We would begin with the Tardis entering into shot just as the big bang was happening and then we would follow the Tardis whilst the cosmos as we know became into existance. We would see stars being born, planets being created and then them subsequently dying and exploding all with in the matter of seconds. The finale of the sequence would have the Tardis at the end of the universe being sucked into a supernova or the time vortex which would lead us into the show.
We were also tasked with re-designing the type face to be used within the sequence as well as coming up with designs to be used for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who.
Designed by Joe Lea
Produced at Momoco
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Doctor Who title sequence pitch
