Antonio El-Chedyak's profile

Lake Eyre- Madigan Gulf

The location I have chosen has coordinates -28.92105, 137.48474 and is part of Madigan Gulf, an area known for it's pink and white waters.
Iteration ratio 1:1-20cm by 20cm
Iteration 1- This was the first design and I wanted to show the significance of the flower erect aromatic herb.  (9th of April)
Iteration 2- With the second iteration I wanted to use a deeper emphasis on the shading aspect to highlight the erect aromatic herb.  (9th of April)
Iteration 3- This iteration was focused on the sand which I understood with research changes over time. (11th of April)
Iteration 4- With iteration 3 in mind, iteration 4 was a more simple approach of the sand and the flower highlighting the significance of the simple area. (18th of April)
Iteration 5- Iteration 5 is a detailed version of iteration 3 and 4 highlighting the extensive research.  (20th of April)
Iteration ratio 1:10-2m by 2m
Iteration 1 and 2- focus on the perspective of the area and the different plants. (10th of April)
Iteration 3- was a basic understanding of the area showing rocks and normal aspects located near the lake. (sand, rocks, leaves). (12th of April)
Iteration 4-  a more detailed response with highlighting the main plant in the area-tufted perennial. (15th of April)
Iteration 5- with this iteration, I wanted to showcase the different levels of sand in the area whilst highlighting the common animals in the area (pelicans).  (20th of April)
Iteration ratio 1:100-20m by 20m
Iteration 1 and 2- again both were designed from a perspective view and highlight the water and different level of sand contrast. (11th of April)
Iteration 3- highlights the connection of the land and the lake, also depicting the common plants in the area.(13th of April)
Iteration 4- with references and research I found a lake that connects the land to the lake which I highlight through the various lighting of shades. (15th of April)
Iteration 5-  is a more detailed understanding, which is closer to the area site.  (21st of April)
Iteration ratio 1:1000-200m by 200m
Iteration 1- a very basic understanding of the area with limited detail just to set the boundaries(10th of April)
Iteration 2- a deeper understanding of the area using a darker shade. (10th of April)
Iteration 3- although it doesn't line with the area precisely it highlights the detail that should be expressed. (15th of April)
Iteration 4-showing a more clearer depiction of the located area using negative positive space. (15th of April)
Iteration 5- a more detailed understanding of the area highlighting the sands and flowers. (18th of April)
Iterations 1:10000- 2000m by 2000m
Iteration 1- was the first of all the iterations and was purely for experimentation purposes (11th of April)
Iteration 2- with understanding the area I used a negative positive technique to differentiate the land from lake (11th of April).
Iteration 3- was a more simple approach of the second iteration whilst also using a variety of. (12th of April)
Iteration 4- the simple design highlights the full extent of the area allowing for a more deeper understanding within the area. (12th of April)
Iteration 5-this was for experimentation use as I used water colour and a fine line pen to show the significance of the area. (13th of April)
Iteration 6 - this was a more detailed repose and follows closely of previous design however, I believe its not authentic. (18th of April)
With these precedents deriving from instagram accounts; @sergeyvidusov @rsit_richard@j.e.n.n.e and @zkgho, I wanted to illuminate the different perspective people had on the area- with/without water, birds eye view- and to also depict the transition of time of the area.
I used the precedents to help articulate the direction of the iterations and to help improve the iterations.
These are progress images and different experimental shades I embedded in the iterations.
With the iteration scale 1:1, at first I wanted to show the fine line and artistic description of the plant (Erect aromatic herb), but as I came closer to the final iterations I found that the sand in that area is very delicate and rich in colour which I then exemplified through the various ways. With the first few iterations I used a simple techniques of shading to show the contrast of different elements and then later developed other techniques such as hatching and rubbing and so forth.

Scale 1:10 allowed me to understand the connection of the water and the sand within Madigan Gulf. By creating iterations without water being elicit, I aimed to show the rosy and dry sandy areas that make the atmosphere of the area. also with the understanding of the area being dry, the variety of plants and animals are driven by flood events. (Animals such as pelicans and other water birds- : 2020. Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre From The Air. [online] Available at:<> [Accessed 16 April 2020].) With the first few iterations I used extended dark lines and thin lines to highlight the important and non important areas which make the area, and later on developed other techniques such as curved lined and scribble like feature.

Through using a variety of techniques such as a hatching, rubbing and fine line work with the iterations scale 1:100 I was able to showcase the importance of the sand within the Madigan Gulf, and with excessive research I found that there is a little stream which connects the lake with the plants and is a pivotal way for plants to grow.

When starting the iterations for scale 1:1000 I was not sure of the area and did not understand the perspective of the land, however with the illustrations from a variety of sources I was able to connect the dots which interlink with all the scales, particularly with scale 1:100.

Having the satellite image guide the projection of the iterations, I was able to showcase more and with the research of knowing certain areas and where they go allowed me to understand the area more and what makes the area (Plants and animals, different sand types and dirt colour etc). At first I was a little too linear with my work and didn't show much creative thought in terms of shading but it eventually developed and I adopted a negative/positive area with the iterations which I grew fond of.

Below are two native/regular plants which are fond of the Madigan Gulf which I used to evaluate in the 1:1, 1:10 and 1:100 iterations
Erect aromatic herb, 0.2–1.2 m high, woolly to tomentose, hairs brownish.

Leaves oblanceolate to oblong, obtuse or occasionally acute, 1–5 cm long, 0.3–1.5 cm wide, crenate or entire.

Compound heads sessile or pedunculate, ovoid to globose, solitary, 0.8–2 cm long, 10–20 mm diam. Outer bracts spathulate, inner bracts linear-lanceolate, whitish to pink. Florets pink to purple.
Identification- The main flower colour is purple.

Tufted perennial, grass-like or herb, 0.2-0.75 m high. Fl. green, Jul to Dec. Sand, loam, laterite, limestone. 
Identification- The main flower colour is white.
Other precedents like so depict the full extent of the area at a 1:100 and 1:1000 ratio. This allowed me to understand the nature of the area and how to correspond the images with the iterations.
Above are images of some of the many wildlife which are common either seasonal or regularly within the Madigan Gulf.
These are some interesting collages and techniques which I tried to emulate into my work. coming from Pinterest, I wanted to show and display different techniques and to constantly add more detail which I found through research and understanding of the area I have chosen within the Madigan Gulf.
Lake Eyre- Madigan Gulf

Lake Eyre- Madigan Gulf


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