Campaign: Zodiac Signs
Idea: Creating zodiac illustrations for birthday emailers with a fashion twist.

Brief: To design sun signs which also incorporate fashion elements through them which can then be taken across mailers going out to a customer subscriber base around the time of their birthdays carrying a shopping discount.

Campaign: Style A Scarf
Idea: To show different ways of wearing the scarf 

Brief: To illustrate ways to tie a scarf to go out as a keep sake to every customer with every order.

Campaign: Sizing/Customizing 
Idea: To solve various issues arising due to sizing concerns  

Brief: The first illustration was created to help one customize their own swimsuit on a product page level, thereby, helping solve sizing issues and also reducing returns.
The second illustration breaks down different types of fits i.e. boxy, true and relaxed which in turn can aid in a buying decision. 


