Pat Vogt's profile

PosterHeroes Poster

PosterHeroes Poster
Entry for competition
PosterHeroes proposes a debate on futur’s energetic policies, after the decision took by the Italian governement to open a new nuclear season, interupted by the 1987 referendum. The Italian issue opened a deliberation involving the whole international socio-economic and enviromental situation. The contest represents an means of communication for young people, who may express their energetic opinions which may then be adopted for a sustainable future.

Only a minuscule fraction of the available solar energy is used. The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined. Solar energy's uses are limited only by human ingenuity. Stop destroying our habitat! Catch the sun, before we’re done!

PosterHeroes Poster

PosterHeroes Poster

Poster Heroes Poster competition entry
