Kayla Stellwagen's profileDAAPworks 2020's profile

Invisible Trauma

An experimental, anthological memoir that leverages writing and design to convey the aftermaths of trauma. 

What if everything you defined yourself by—your abilities, preferences, and personality—and everything you are—memories, thoughts, and experiences—suddenly vanished? Victims of traumatic brain injuries get to find out. A brain injury is a catastrophic event, physically and psychologically, as it can affect the roots of who we are—our ability to think, communicate, and connect with others. ​​​​​​​

Invisible Trauma is an experimental book that examines the emotional, the cognitive, and the behavioral effects of a traumatic brain injury through the eyes of a teen who was hit by a car while on a run. Through expressive visuals that emphasize the emotionality of the content and communicate the disruptive pain that often accompanies a brain injury, the book encourages a deeper understanding about coping with traumatic injuries, expanding the possibility of conversation, support, and ultimately, healing.

Senior Capstone, Graphic Communication Design
College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning
University of Cincinnati, 2020


Invisible Trauma

Project Made For

Invisible Trauma

A visually-experimental, anthological memoir that leverages writing and design to convey the aftermaths of trauma.
