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Travelling alone in Africa: How to solo?

Travelling alone in Africa: How to solo?
Solo travel has been a growing trend, and Africa might not be at the top of your mind when considering solo travel destinations. Still, it would be best if you did not overlook the continent. Travelling solo is a great way to see the continent without worrying about the structure of the trip. If you’re travelling alone in Africa, you need reliable, up to date information and taking sensible precautions. All tours in Africa are inclusive accommodations, so you do not need to carry a sleeping bag! As a solo passenger, most probably you will be sharing your hotel room or permanent tent with someone of the same gender, that gives you a chance to make new friends as well. 

Plan well and choose your tour expert carefully. Africa will reward you more abundantly than you can ever imagine as travelling alone in Africa is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The top tips to help plan your adventure.

• Check your treatments/vaccinations before you go to Africa
It is necessary to take specific treatments to enter the country. Check with your doctor about Malaria and other flues before you travel about what vaccinations you need to keep you protected, like for.

• Pack appropriate clothing
light & do not pack bright colours when searching for wildlife and bring hiking boots if you are doing trekking on tour. If you are doing mountain climbing, make sure you pack something warm

• Book in advance
in high season between June and September can book up fast. Make sure you leave at least three months, so you are not disappointed.

• Work out your budget
if you are going to Africa on a tight budget, and still want to see fantastic wildlife, consider a tour in Botswana and Nambia. You can even visit incredible wildlife reserves but at a lower price than the Masai Mara or Serengeti.

• Embrace the experience
with the flow, leave your worries behind and embrace the adventure. You will have a much better knowledge of travelling in Africa this way. 

The top African Experiences for Solo Travellers:
• Wildebeest Migration Safari in Tanzania
• Journey Through Botswana
• Gorilla Trekking, Culture & Wildlife Safari in Uganda
• Thrilling Zambian Walking Safari
• Ultimate Namibia Fly-in Safari

The Best Solo spots in Africa:
• Coffee Bay, South Africa
• Kendwa, Zanzibar
• Tofo, Mozambique
• Jinja, Uganda
• Lake Kivu, Kibuye, Rwanda
• Taghazout, Morocco
• Cape Maclear, Malawi
• Nairobi, Kenya

Tips on how to stay safe while travelling solo in Africa:
• Don’t walk alone at night anywhere. Take a taxi even for short journeys.
• Be cautious always about using a licensed taxi or one recommended by your accommodation. In major African cities, you can use an Uber.
• Try to travel in the day time; The street lights are often dim lit in the night and accidents are known to occur due to the potholes in the streets. There have also been some incidences of carjackings, mainly at night, in major South African cities.
• Don’t drink alcohol excessively or leave your drinks unattended.
• Always listen to your guides, especially when staying in a national park – wild animals are everywhere, and you have to respect that you are in their territory.
• In big cities, do the dummy wallet trick: Keep a small amount of cash and some cancelled cards in your purse so that if someone demands it, you can easily hand it over, and keep the rest hidden with you or locked in the hotel safe.
• Don’t wear expensive or flashy jewellery. Please take caution when looking at your phone in public, it’ll draw attention.
• It’s essential to respect the local culture and dress appropriately, covering shoulders, cleavage, and legs in some places such as Zanzibar, much of Tanzania, and most of northern Africa, including Morocco.

Getting around: 
Getting around is easy in some parts of Africa, thanks to great options for backpackers, like Baz Bus or cheap car rentals in South Africa. It’s easy to find someone to carpool with. 

It’s much difficult and very often more dangerous to take public transport. In Mozambique, for example, the local minibuses have bald tires, pack in way more people than they have seats for, they pull over regularly, so trips take very long and its quite tiring.

You can still rent a car with or without a driver, but that gets expensive once you go out of South Africa. Some people buy 4×4 vehicles and then sell them after, so if you’ve got the knowledge to get around the bush, then this could be an option as well. 

Many adventures await you in Africa! If you’re travelling solo, we’ll be more than glad to help you find the perfect deal! From cheap flight dealsbest escorted holidays and planned out excursions, Travel Center’s got it all in one place. All you have to do is call or send us an e-mail and start planning your trip with us.
This Article, Information & Images Source (copyright) :- https://blog.travelcenter.uk
Travelling alone in Africa: How to solo?

Travelling alone in Africa: How to solo?


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