Delight AV Performance

Ahmet Said Kaplan, Alican Okan, 2018

Audio Visual Performance, Digital LED Screen + Light Sculpture + Sonic Experience
Delight is an audiovisual performance as an ode to the journey of light and how it can surround us from 2nd dimension to 3rd. This audiovisual performance is trying to bend the realities of human eye and immersify the experience with collaboration of sound. These two light and audio wave forms work in harmony to create the connection between dimension, space & light.
Show will be performed by Ahmet Said Kaplan from DECOL and Alican Okan from AudioFil that will be driven with audio&visual realtime algorithms. Image on the screen will have its 3D form by the help of beams of light that will make the light have a journey between screen and reality to surround the audience and create an immersive experience.
Production: DECOL
Management: Nebi Cihan Çankaya
Content Support: Amir Ahmadoghlu
Delight AV Performance

Delight AV Performance
